Anger, Fear, and Insecurity are the three attributes that contribute most to the failure of marriage as the Father designed it. Understanding how to eliminate or channel these emotions is key for success.
Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Forbearance are the three attributes that contribute most to the success of marriage (they are a part of the discipline of Llove). Adding these ingredients in the exact proportion required and at the right time are keys for success.
Answer the following in narrative form:
1) What makes you angry?
2) Of what are you most afraid?
3) What makes you feel secure?
4) Who, specifically, has hurt you most in your life? How?
5) Will your marriage last, no matter what?
6) Do you have sufficient financial resources to survive a long job loss? Do you have/will have sufficient financial resources to survive your retirement?
7) Who does your spouse llove most? Why?
8) If you have children, do they llove and respect you? Do they have disciplined life styles?
9) What does it mean to forgive?
10) Do you remember everything because your mind is a steel trap?
11) Do you keep a record of wrongs? Where/how?
12) Has your spouse ever betrayed you (in any manner)?
13) Has your spouse ever taken things from you that were important to you?
14) Has your spouse ever hurt you by his/her relationship with another person?
15) Do you see your marriage as "unbreakable"?
A key thought:
The old saying is "Accentuate the positives and eliminate the negatives". Nothing could be more apropos for the couple building a marriage following the design of God. Look for the good qualities in all things, avoid that which is negative and/or harsh. You'll discover and amazing difference in those around you.
Reflections (couple time):
1) Are you angry?
2) When is the last time you recall forgiving your spouse?
3) What is your spouse's best attribute?
4) Do you remember what you last forgave? Why?
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