not about finding the "right man" or "right woman". It's about being the right man/woman in the relationship. Marriage is designed to be perfect. Everything God creates works perfectly. When marriage is lived out under the guidelines established by the Father, nothing can go wrong. However, the opposite is also true. Divorce is an expected result when we fail to abide by the rules. To assume that marriage is flawed by anything other than our unwillingness to operate it according to His plan is to assign to the Creator a less than perfect creation. That is blasphemy. Accordingly, we must return to the Scripture, God's guidebook and operations manual for Designer Marriage. Read the account of the Creation of man and woman in Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2:18-23; Genesis 2:7 and answer and/or comment on the following questions:
1) Whom did God bless?
2) Whom did God intend to rule?
3) Whom did God assign the inferior role?
4) What did Adam recognize about his companion?
5) What would define their original relationship?
6) What is meant by the term "respective roles"?
7) Describe what you believe damaged the relationship between Adam and Eve?
8) Are you open to the fact that your marriage can be perfect and that you are, already, "right" for each other?
Man, that is good stuff!
I agree that is good stuff. My wife and I actually have some friends who are going through a difficult time in their marriage. Unfortunately, it is their very family and friends who are recommending divorce as the best option. The common phrase being thrown around is, "Well, it's not too late to back out you know?" - as if it was a friends birthday party they can't attend. People no longer view marriage as a covenant b/t them and God, but rather some glorified version of co-habitation. Very sad indeed - looking at how marriage is viewed in society today.
ReplyDeleteThe marriage "contract" (a legal entity with enforcable characteristics)is the only contract which seems to be so quickly and easily disolved by the State. If the contract were "binding" (and Scriturally it is) perhaps there would be more time for the relationship to blossom.
ReplyDeleteI see similarities between this marriage contract and that of the Christian faith. eg: I try it, I don't like it, I give up on it or I never allow it to blossom ie: go on to perfection. Seems like Hebrews 6 has something to say about that.