Monday, December 13, 2010

Marriage is....Part 2

The last post talked about sin-altered roles but before we can understand it's effect we first must understand sin. Whenever sin is a part of our experience, whether it is part of our individual or collective relationship, we are going to fall short of discovering and knowing the fullness of God's design for life. Sin blinds us to His will and purpose. Sin inhibits right thinking and action. Sin damages and ultimately destroys our ability to live as designed. Marriages that embrace sin, knowingly or ignorantly, can never move fully and adequately toward the design of man and woman joined together becoming one flesh.

Define the following:
1) Adultery
2) Extra-marital relationships (not necessarily overtly sexual in nature)
3) Homosexuality/Bi-sexuality/Transvestitism
4) Androgyny
5) Visual promiscuity (pornography)
6) Modern feminism/male chauvinism
7) Other sins that may cause marital destruction

Read 1 John 4: 8 & 16 and then reflect on the following:
1) Can two atheists/agnostics have a perfect marriage?
2) Can you be out of God's will for your life and have a perfect marriage?
3) What is marriage?
4) What is God's design for marriage?
5) Do you see your spouse as part of God's design for your marriage and does your spouse see you that way?
6) As a couple, do you share equally in the relationship?
7) Is there sin in your marriage that is preventing the actualization of God's design for your life?

1 comment:

  1. With so many problems that exist in life this side of overtly sinful actions, adding sinfulness to the relationship is, to be a bit trite, adding gasoline to the fire.
    Thanks for your wise words.
